[Battlemesh] proposal: WCN roundtable (was: Talks agenda ready for discussion)

Clauz clauz at ninux.org
Mon Apr 8 22:31:29 CEST 2013

On 04/08/2013 05:15 PM, Roger Baig ViƱas wrote:
> Hi,
> A proposal for the talks agenda is available in the website [1]. We
> received ten proposals and all of them have been allocated. Now we
> have a week to improve it. Discussions must be held in this mailing
> list.

Hi, everybody.
I would like to make a proposal for a wireless communities roundtable
during the battlemesh. If you find it could be interesting, perhaps we
can fit it in the agenda...

* Wireless Communities Roundtable *

An open meeting between international wireless community network (WCN)
members to discuss the following topics:

 - local misconfigurations might have consequences on the whole network,
so to which degree is possible to achieve the completely distributed
management of a WCN?

 - how are non-technically skilled people involved in communities? Who
manages their nodes?

 - are there any more or less formalized "topic groups" or teams, e.g.
the "developers group", or the "communication team"?

 - are collective decisions taken on a majority votation, consensus [*]
or other basis in our communities? Are online tools such as liquid
feedback used? Is it always possible to draw a line between who is in
and who is out of the community? Which degree of horizontality is
achievable in the Real World, where some people are involved more than
other? Which is the importance and the role of trust? How can the
decision process scale?

 - having homogeneous hardware and software systems can help the
expansion of a network? Which are the drawbacks?

 - is network monitoring seen as an intrusion? Why or why not?

 - automatic firmware updates: do they really work?

[*] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making

The topic list is open to integrations and remixes, of course. I cannot
really tell how much time we could need for this discussion, so perhaps
we could kickstart the debate early in the week and continue it
"offline" during the rest of the event.

What do you think?


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