[Battlemesh] Promote WBMv6: ENDORSEMENTS?

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Wed Jan 23 20:52:27 CET 2013


> I mean we can't put all the logos of all those who will want to formally
> endorse the battlemesh, we should focus on those ones that will really
> be there or at least have usually been there; do you get what I mean?
> Immagine 100 communities wanting to endorse it.. that would not be
> beneficial to the PR campaign. What would be beneficial is to have a few
> logos of well known communities.

Hm, are you sure? I think having 100 logos there would be great. We
could have bigger ones for those who will come and then a lot of smaller
ones. The reasoning is that people do like to say "hey, I know them" or
"hey, this are us". More logos == more chance that this happens.

I do not see downside of having many logos? If space on the poster is a
concern, make it really small. Something like just icons. Just to show
the number/size.

I do agree we should differ between communities who contribute (in very
vague definition of contribution) and just those who endorse.

I would organize this very simply: have a web page with tho sections,
contributors and endorsements, where anybody can put their logo there
(we can remove it if there are some objections later on for some of
them) and for contributors let them themselves write up a
statement/paragraph on how they are contributing. (So "I posted on a
blog about Battlemesh" is not enough for contribution but something else
might be. It would be easier for everybody to see why is then somebody


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