[Battlemesh] Promote WBMv6: ENDORSEMENTS?

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Jan 23 20:44:42 CET 2013

Il 01/23/2013 08:11 PM, Mitar ha scritto:
> Hi!
>>  2. what are organizations and communities I should get in touch with?
> You should maybe make the text in a way (or at least a version of it) so
> that we can forward it? For example, to networks in Croatia
> (http://krugoval.net/,
> http://krugoval.net/2013/01/05/wireless-battle-mesh-v6/).

Yeah sure.

>>       * Freifunk
>>       * Ninux
>>       * Wlan Slovenja
>>       * Guifi
>>       * AMWN
>>       * Altermundi
>>       * OpenWRT
>>       * Funkfeuer
> http://servalproject.org/
> http://villagetelco.org/
> http://oti.newamerica.net/
> I am missing projects from USA, Canada, UK, some hacker spaces, Chaos
> Computer Club?

I was thinking about the endorsement thing.

Maybe we should distinguish between 2 types of endorsements:
those who support the battlemesh and those who also participate
actively; those communities who participate actively by bringing some
people at the event should have their logo featured on the poster, wiki
or whatever, this because so people can see who is coming and why they
should also come.

I mean we can't put all the logos of all those who will want to formally
endorse the battlemesh, we should focus on those ones that will really
be there or at least have usually been there; do you get what I mean?
Immagine 100 communities wanting to endorse it.. that would not be
beneficial to the PR campaign. What would be beneficial is to have a few
logos of well known communities.

> Probably you cannot really make a list of all and take responsibility of
> contacting on yourself. You should just start the thing and leave it to
> be viral (with some deadline until when you are accepting endorsements
> to put it on the poster, while online endorsements can be ongoing - in
> general we could have a list of all such on our wiki, so not just for
> WVMv6, but for Battlemesh in general).

I agree.


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