[Battlemesh] fighting some mesh related patents?

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Fri Jun 21 23:06:37 CEST 2013


Thank you for spreading this and all your work and time!


> I don't read patents as a rule...
> ... but I was just informed that the eff is attempting to engage with
> defeating 3 overbroad mesh related - and newly filed - patents. So if
> anyone has any prior art that can help here, here's a link to what the
> EFF is up to:
> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/06/mesh-networking-good-overbroad-patents-bad
> Beating patent #7035281 took 3 years, and far more of my time than I
> wanted to give it, and millions of dollars (thankfully not mine). I
> strongly feel I've done enough time in that barrel.  (I get nervous
> today even reading a paper on a technology that was ultimately
> patented, and we tried really hard to make sure codel went out the
> door unpatented and unpatentable. Lawyers scare me)
> I have been meaning to write up the successful conclusion to that
> 7035281 story (
> http://the-edge.blogspot.com/2010/10/who-invented-embedded-linux-based.html
> before the lawyers read slashot ) since litigation was completed a
> year or so back, but at the prospect of sorting through a 12 foot high
> stack of documents and the judge's basis for the decision is too
> depressing.
> I AM encouraged that the US patent system has this newfangled
> pre-review process and if anyone has a suggestion as to what I can and
> can't legally read in the US anymore without inducing liabilities I'd
> love to know.
> In the meantime perhaps there's prior art in the mesh community to
> help out the EFF. (please contact them directly). My fear is that much
> of the work has taken place outside of the US, and in forms that the
> patent office doesn't consider as useful prior art.

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