[Battlemesh] Call for talks organization, anyone? (and other open jobs!)

Nicolás Echániz nicoechaniz at altermundi.net
Tue Jan 14 02:40:24 CET 2014

El 13/01/14 07:40, Pau escribió:
> Wibed has been developed between Guido, Nico, Roger, me and some other
> folks. So we should feel comfortable using it. However in case we find
> some problems we can always go back to the WBM firmware of the last
> year.
> It uses batman-adv for the management network to pull the web
> controller and send/get the needed information to perform the
> experiments. This network is apart from the testbed, so if we want to
> test batman-adv we have to create a new isolated network of it, using
> a different WiFi interface or VLAN tags.
> 802.11s can be used (just loading the kernel module) but the problem
> is the same of always, it has its own link-layer so it cannot be
> executed at the same time of the AD-HOC protocols.
> About the experiments, we should prepare in advance some scripts to be
> run once the deployment is finished. We can reuse some from the last
> battle-mesh.

I'm also willing to help if wibed is chosen as a base, mainly on the web
side of experiment deployment and access.
I'm also interested in discussing what we will test this time. Maybe a
dedicated thread and Wiki page would be good.

I want to point out that as much as we'd like to, we still don't know if
any of us AlterMundists will be able to attend the WBM in Leipzig, but
we can always help remotely.


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