[Battlemesh] Fwd: [wlan-si dev] Outdoor wifi router comparison matrix
Huub Schuurmans
huubsch at xs4all.nl
Sun Dec 20 18:21:00 CET 2015
Op 20/12/15 om 11:15 schreef Valent Turkovic:
>> There are mainly outside accesspoints on the list, i.e. with one
>> wifi-radio. I wouldn't call these wifi-routers. Except (maybe?) for the
>> meshpoint, they do not interconnect via wifi.
> Yes, maybe it should be emphasised in the title, this is table is
> comparison matrix for outdoor wifi routers.
> I don't understand why you wouldn't call wifi routers? Please clarify.
In my definition a wifi router is a device that routes over wifi-interlinks.
If there is only one wifi-radio that 'routes' do a ethernet cable
connection I would call the device an accesspoint.
>> Look at http://www.wirelessleiden.nl/projects/nodefactory for a proven
>> concept of outside wifi-routers. Open source software en open hardware.
> Awesome link! Great resource, thanks! What guys in Netherlands are
> doing is awesome... but I don't see much "open hardware" I would call
> more that they are doing "open system". They are using all off the
> shelf components, right? Are there any parts they made them selves?
> Maybe I'm missing something...
You are right that we assemble our systems from off-the-shelf components
nowadays, building them into watertight boxes. We have made antenna's in
the past (such as biquads, cantenna's and waveguides) and built
('invented' if you like) the first wifi-accesspoint for outdoor-use with
power-over-ethernet (some old pictures are here:
a link-sys ap with homemade biquad antenna in a pvc pipe).
This device was turned in a commercial product by a Dutch startup
(www.wandy.nl) and some years later by companies like Ubiquity and
Microtik. We now use exclusively the Ubiquity devices for the
interlinks, the idea coming full circle ;-)
If you want to built a large, reliable network it makes sense to
standardize the hardware and use off the shelf components.
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