[Battlemesh] Refugees in Serbia

Monic Meisel monic at monic.de
Sat Nov 14 15:25:23 CET 2015

Dear Battlemeshers,

the Refugees Emancipation (a Berlin/Potsdam based association for self organized Internet cafés and Computer courses in refugee camps) Facebook page received the following message today. Lars is a supporter of RE (as I am) and responded correctly, that RE has no capacity to help there …

Also Freifunkas as I wrote you recently are spending their whole free time to connect refugees camps all over germany and collaborate with groups as RE ...

Maybe some people on this list see an option to respond and support in Serbia with free networks knowHow and handsOn for (or even better together with) refugees.

Thank you, Monic

> === MESSAGE ===
> Florent Shaipi
> 13. November 01:39
> Hi im from presevo (serbia)and here have a camp of refuges, in border of tabanovce and in the town of presevo, every day croos a big number of refuges,especialy kids , i would like to ask you as a organization of refuges,to come here and to work with me in presevo(serbia) to help refuges with food,medicine, to help and to tell them their rights , My name is florent Shaipi and im.gradueted lawyer ,Im working right now as a voulounter at the youth office in muncipality of presevo her is the ofcial facebook of youth office in presevohttps://www.facebook.com/zyra.presheve/ , here are , working many non profit international organization like UNDP , Save the children,Danish refuges council , Doctors without limit, etc ,I will send to your organization some photos of refuges who are waiting right now in the line to get a paper then to go tu EU,it would be a hanour for us as a youth office to have partnership with NRC.  https://www.google.rs/search?q=refugees+in+presevo&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&imgil=n2N0avScfo1gGM%253A%253BIlN7cggkyUmZTM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.alamy.com%25252Fstock-photo-presevo-serbia-4th-aug-2015-refugees-stand-in-front-of-a-so-called-86223606.html&source=iu&pf=m&fir=n2N0avScfo1gGM%253A%252CIlN7cggkyUmZTM%252C_&biw=1366&bih=643&usg=__-x9zQ_93GZXgVbmDbJPK8XSduSY%3D&ved=0CDcQyjdqFQoTCM-D3-nuhckCFSEscgodAT4GEQ&ei=QuRBVs_aHqHYyAOB_JiIAQ#imgrc=nIG-DfmzmUZDeM%3A&usg=__-x9zQ_93GZXgVbmDbJPK8XSduSY%3D
> Here is tthe link that shows how much of refuges are right now in presevo . I hope you have time to answer me , wish you all the best
> SIncerly
> Florent Shaipi
> === END MESSAGE ===
> === ANSWER BY LARS  ===
> my name is Lars and I'm not a member of Refugee Emancipation but supporting them. I fear, I have to disappoint you, but refugee emancipation is a small local group and they don't have the manpower to comy by in serbia and help you out.
> We will share your information and wish you all the best!
> Lars
> I hope the answer was ok, if anyone has the resources and wants to go to serbia, please answer Florent via Facebook or let me know that you want to communicate with him.
> Best regards
> Lars

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