[Battlemesh] FLONs.org and activists in hungary

Andreas Bräu ab at andi95.de
Fri Sep 11 23:18:27 CEST 2015

On 11.09.2015 01:41, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
>> That's why I think collecting community information on wikipedia is not
>> the best idea. It's a centralized thing and nobody will care about
>> maintaining the list. We had our experience with a bunch of lists on our
>> freifunk wiki :-)
> No, this is exactly big difference. Nobody will come to some wiki and
> keep things updated there, but people do care about content on
> Wikipedia. I think there is a big difference between private wikis and
> Wikipedia.

I'm not convinced. With Wiki* content is still centralized. All
communities can host, update or maintain data on their own using FLONS
API. There's no wiki gardener doing things. Communities are master of
their data.

BTW: The list of wireless community networks isn't up to date:
I miss at least a lot of freifunk communities.



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