[Battlemesh] Call for sponsored travels to Battlemesh v9 in Porto, Portugal
Filipe Borges Teixeira
fbt at inesctec.pt
Fri Feb 19 18:24:35 CET 2016
Hi! I will add some comments to Simon words.
2016-02-19 12:58 GMT+00:00 Simon Wunderlich <sw at simonwunderlich.de>:
> Hi Philipp,
> On Friday 19 February 2016 11:36:54 Philipp Borgers wrote:
> > May I ask why this is restricted to non-EU residents and "only" covers
> the
> > travel cost?
> >
> > The EU is quite diverse and in the end the finicial situation depends on
> the
> > individual and the situation they live in.
> This is true, situations are different. However most of our participants
> are
> from the EU, and we want to avoid explaining/discussing why some
> participants
> may apply why others can't - we don't want to double check on people, and
> we
> don't want to create grudges between our "regular" partcipants. Drawing a
> line
> for non-EU participants minimizes organization overhead and should also
> avoid
> troubles among our EU participants.
Exactly. I would say 80%+ of the participants are from Europe, and from my
point of view WBM should be as worldwide as possible, that is why we are
promoting non-EU participants like in previous year. If the V10 edition
would be in the US I would be happy to know they were giving preference to
non-US, for instance, as going to the US usually costs over 800-1000€.
Also flight costs within Europe are much cheaper than among Europe and Non-
> Europe. For example, a two way flight ticket from Germany to Porto starts
> at 80
> Euro, while its 600+ Euro for India, for example.
> I think it makes sense to give preference to people leaving as far as
possible to the venue, where the costs are usually proportional to the
distance. We could have set the call for all people, but we would still
giving preference for non-EU participants based on the distance/cost to the
venue. It has been like this last year, and it has been published on the V9
wiki since November. Even though, we are open for any suggestion, and it is
the majority that dictates these decisions. It is a good point to discuss
during the WBM itself on how to make it for the V10 edition in France.
> We think that bringing people from Non-EU will diversify and bring new and
> fresh ideas into Battlemesh - and spread community networks around the
> world
> which are now quite common in Europe but not so much elsewhere.
Totally agree.
> As for why it "only" covers travel costs: We want participants to cover at
> least a portion of the expenses, to avoid people just taking a free trip
> and
> also avoiding people not showing up (after we bought the flight tickets).
The decision to cover the airplane ticket and not the accommodation was to
avoid "no shows" - people that get the plane ticket and do not go to the
event itself, meaning that they will only get the scholarship for leisure.
It is also a way to make it more fair to all other participants who are
paying for their accommodation. Increasing the sponsorships a little more
than we have this year might mean (almost) free accommodation for every
participant, which would be even better! Still, €125 or even €150 for 6
nights including breakfast is not expensive, I think. We are trying, on the
other hand, to have a very affordable food package this year.
> Hope that helps. :)
> Cheers,
> Simon
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Have a nice weekend,
Filipe Teixeira
[image: INESC TEC]
*Filipe Borges Teixeira*
Centro de Telecomunicações e Multimédia
Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia
Campus da FEUP
Rua Dr Roberto Frias
4200-465 Porto
T +351 22 209 4299
M +351 91 247 8025
F +351 22 209 4050
filipe.b.teixeira at inesctec.pt
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