[Battlemesh] Call for sponsored travels to Battlemesh v9 in Porto, Portugal

Simon Wunderlich sw at simonwunderlich.de
Fri Feb 19 13:58:02 CET 2016

Hi Philipp,

On Friday 19 February 2016 11:36:54 Philipp Borgers wrote:
> May I ask why this is restricted to non-EU residents and "only" covers the
> travel cost?
> The EU is quite diverse and in the end the finicial situation depends on the
> individual and the situation they live in.

This is true, situations are different. However most of our participants are 
from the EU, and we want to avoid explaining/discussing why some participants 
may apply why others can't - we don't want to double check on people, and we 
don't want to create grudges between our "regular" partcipants. Drawing a line 
for non-EU participants minimizes organization overhead and should also avoid 
troubles among our EU participants.

Also flight costs within Europe are much cheaper than among Europe and Non-
Europe. For example, a two way flight ticket from Germany to Porto starts at 80 
Euro, while its 600+ Euro for India, for example.

We think that bringing people from Non-EU will diversify and bring new and 
fresh ideas into Battlemesh - and spread community networks around the world 
which are now quite common in Europe but not so much elsewhere.

As for why it "only" covers travel costs: We want participants to cover at 
least a portion of the expenses, to avoid people just taking a free trip and 
also avoiding people not showing up (after we bought the flight tickets).

Hope that helps. :)

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