[Battlemesh] Fwd: [Interop-dev] BGP AS PathGraph, a new NetJSON implementation

nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Mar 9 22:22:51 CET 2016

 It might be of interest for some of you battlemeshers.

 -------- Original Message --------
 Subject: [Interop-dev] BGP AS PathGraph, a new NetJSON implementation
 Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 22:21:02 +0100
 From: nemesis <nemesis at ninux.org>
 To: <interop-dev at lists.funkfeuer.at>

 Hi everyone,

 today while browsing twitter (who said twitter is useless? :D) I've 
 found this tweet:

 And I discovered it's a project using NetJSON NetworkGraph and 
 netjsongraph.js to visualize BGP AS paths, repo is here:

 It's a small project, but I think the intuition about the usefulness of 
 having a common format and common libraries
 is starting to show its potential.


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