[Battlemesh] Seeking a techie collaborator to explore the MP2P space together...

Benjamin Henrion zoobab at gmail.com
Sun Dec 10 11:21:32 CET 2017

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:12 PM, Nina Tumanishvili <nina at hellohub.com> wrote:
> Dear Battlemesh'ers,
> We are an early stage London based start-up called HelloHub exploring the
> Mobile Peer-to-Peer space (think Firechat but a bit different), urgently
> seeking a techie collaborator(s) to help bring our big vision to life.
> It would be great to hear from anyone that has a background/interest in
> networking locally and experimenting with Bluetooth BLE, Wifi direct etc to
> facilitate this.

You could wake up the wifi stack with BLE beacons, if they listen some
milliseconds after having sent the said beacon. I looked at esp32
boards to do an offline file sharing box that swaps blocks of data if
a mobile phone passes nearby.

Benjamin Henrion (zoobab)
Email: zoobab at gmail.com
Mobile: +32-484-566109
Web: http://www.zoobab.com
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