[Battlemesh] Thank you from the kitchen side

Isa isa at altermundi.net
Sun Jun 18 08:20:42 CEST 2017

Hi there!!

I wanted to say thank everyone who helped us in the kitchen cutting the
veggies, building up the infrastructure, washing the dishes,...
Also for the compliments and nice conversations in the kitchen.
Thanx you Minimal.is.muss https://www.facebook.com/minimalkitchen/ for
the equipment.

If you wanna get active in the food activism sector there are different
ways f.ex. joing existing organisations and initiatives like

-foodcoops www.foodcoops.at
	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpG8wzx1qO0 (english)
	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J20sCa6JTc (german Vienna)
-community supported Agriculture CSA
	https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcR2J63_44c (english)
	http://www.ouvertura.at/ (Austria)
-foodsharing www.foodsharing.at to fight food waste

or you help us building the technology and software to change the food

-lets organise events where programers and food activist come together
and build alternatives together
-lets build mesh networks together with farmers and over them direct
selling oportunities for their local food

SO many things we can do!!
Hope to see you again and if you have an idea you can get in touch with

greetings Isa

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