[Battlemesh] Battlemesh is back in September -- date poll for WBMv14

Albert Rafetseder albert.rafetseder at univie.ac.at
Fri Apr 22 09:51:31 CEST 2022

Hi Federico, great to hear from you!

> BTW I wanted to ask, what's the format of the Battlemesh going to be 
> like?
> Is it going to be mostly talks or is the mesh testing still a thing?

The rooms at Fusolab should allow for everything, and more. (There is 
some preliminary info about the premises on the wiki already, 
https://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV14 )

At the moment, there is no formal plan on talks / hacking / testbed 
session yet. Contributions and ideas are most welcome, just send them to 
this list or the orga team ( v14 ät battlemesh döt org ) or to the wiki 
right away.

Best regards,

P.S.: Everybody remember to take the date poll please: 

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