[Battlemesh] Simplified testbed
ignifugo at insicuri.net
Fri Jul 8 10:31:50 CEST 2022
On 07/07/22 20:08, Federico Capoano wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I had a chat with some people regarding the possibility of setting up a
> testbed and running some simple tests to compare with the results
> obtained in the previous years.
thank that you open this topic.
I participated only in 1 battlemesh when happen in C-base, in berlin.
and I arrived in late for a issue with ryanair and I just knew the
winner protocol. I remember was BMX6.
I'm interested to know the procedure of the tests.. I find in the wiki
some description and map of the places.. but.. hem.. for me not enought
to understand..
for me also is not clear how is comparing protocol of the level 2 and 3
and.. I would like see the list of the winners of the past years.. if is
It's interesting because monitoring now is spread (we use prometheus)
and for example for our mesh network using libremesh (batman+babeld)
maybe could be possible have some feeback on the quality of routing
nodes. at them moment we have not idea of the performance..
out of raw tools, like ping and iperf, and dbm, but not viz in
prometheus on this.
but for example by humans feedback, we know that in supernode, we have
to turnoff "anygw" from all the antennas-1 because the routing became
crazy :) that's ok, but not automagic. hum...
only to say that know the routing and have feedback can improve our life.
Ah.. I promoted a bit the event, and in some emails I explained that we
are not militaristic and the "battle" is a friendship, not agonistic
competition. for us probably is clear, but.. better be explicit in this
> It seems the main reason for deciding to not run the tests was that this
> year the event is shorter so there wouldn't be enough time, I think I
> can deal with that problem.
> I am thinking of basing the firmware on OpenWrt 22.03 and test only the
> protocols which are still in use by the people actively following and
> participating in the event (so instead of attempting to test all the
> protocols, we focus on the ones which have active people using them).
> Are there any people interested in this idea who will be willing to help
> out?
> Ciao
> Federico
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