[Battlemesh] in search of an old laptop or pc that runs linux in prague

Dave Taht dave.taht at gmail.com
Mon Apr 10 19:29:34 CEST 2023


one of the key "libreqos.io" folk (based in prague) is in need of a
cheap or donated used laptop or PC made in the last decade or so that
can run ubuntu 22.04 with at least 4GB of memory, that he could
hopefully take to battlemesh. A quick search of craiglist turned up
nothing. Is there a source over there for older gear he could
leverage? three boxes would be better than one, but one infinitely
better than zero.

(bird-users is the only mailing list I am on hosted in the Czech
Republic, I apologize for this being so offtopic, except that I would
rather like it if it also ran bird)

AMA March 31: https://www.broadband.io/c/broadband-grant-events/dave-taht
Dave Täht CEO, TekLibre, LLC

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