[Bologna] lime users from italy

kiki kikigazze a autoproduzioni.net
Sab 16 Nov 2019 19:05:46 CET

hi people,

sorry if the website (linked at bottom) in only in italian.. but there
are also a lot of nice photografs

:) we are in NINUX Valsamoggia and Bologna and we are a comunity using
libremesh in the last 3years.. (we loved chef) and we experimented some
problems with the network profiles.. because there is not automation to
build by own the images with metabuilder with custom networkprofiles.

I don't know if you can do somethings..

we appreciate also if you can show us some public documentations about
how set the network profile for single antennas: set a single custom
name and distance. we read the README in the repo.. but we are confused
about it...

so.. this is our blog! https://antennine.noblogs.org/

hugs  Cris

ps: will we see in CCC in Leipzig?

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