[Ninux-Calabria] I: [Ninux-Wireless] Asterisk Distribuito, no solo dentro Ninux ma globalmente

Vincenzo Pirrone linuspax a gmail.com
Sab 13 Lug 2013 22:06:21 CEST

On 07/10/2013 10:08 AM, Giuseppe De Marco wrote:
> a) sipXecs IP PBX uses external gateways. It supports as many external
> gateways you need without limit and offers automatic failover in case
> a gateway is unavailable or busy. It also offers least cost routing
> where gateways can be deployed anywhere you need them.
> b) sipXecs IP PBX does not route calls (media) through the server
> because it separates signaling from media. Therefore, sipXecs can
> support as many simultaneous calls as your LAN / WAN bandwidth
> permits. Asterisk has a hard limit because calls go through the
> Asterisk server. For a dual-core XEON with 2 GB RAM that limit is 60
> simultaneous calls. 
> c) Routes calls direct peer-to-peer and not through the call control
> server. The sipXecs IP PBX also supports HD voice for both end points
> as well as PBX services such as conferencing, voicemail and
> auto-attendant. Video support poses no additional load on the sipXecs
> IP PBX as the media streams do not go through the PBX server.
> Asterisk is modeled like a more traditional TDM PBX where lines
> ("channels") come into the PBX that carry voice and signaling. The IAX
> protocol even explicitly bundles voice and signaling along the same
> route. This not only uses more bandwidth than necessary, imposes
> additional delay, injects additional jitter, and represents a single
> point of failure, this also severely limits the total number of calls
> that can go on at any given time for the system.

Direi che merita di essere sperimentato. Sul sito è possibile scaricare
la iso di installazione di un sistema CentOS con incluso sipXecs.

Dopo non pochi sbattimenti l'ho installata su una VM, try it out

Vincenzo Pirrone

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