[Nodeshot] link mappa

BornAgain bornagain at autoproduzioni.net
Thu Sep 4 10:07:16 CEST 2014

> Wherever you have internet connectivity just make a topology.txt file
> accessible from the Internet that contains a Topology table in this form
> Table: Topology
> Dest. IP	Last hop IP	LQ	NLQ	Cost
> <ip AP1>	<ip AP1-STA1>	1.000	1.000	1.000
> <ip AP1>	<ip AP1-STA2>	1.000	1.000	1.000
> <ip AP2>	<ip AP2-STA1>	1.000	1.000	1.000
> and so on, with each link on a row for all the links you have to draw.
> You can adjust the cost to whatever you want, it's not relevant since you cannot auto-update it anyway without an internet connection.
> Then simply provide the URL of this file to Nemesis and He will add it to the map server.

So, i've  updated topology.txt on

Please, say me if it's correct.

The node it's not on internet but it's correctly inside ninux, so map sever can look the file from Rome


bornagain at autoproduzioni.net 

Nodo su wireless comunitaria Ninux.org 

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