[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [Battlemesh] Fabelier :: Meshwork trolling session @BlackBox
Federico Capoano
Federico.Capoano a teletu.it
Lun 23 Apr 2012 20:10:27 CEST
Si parla di reti mesh tra cellulari android con il protocollo BATMAN.
Notare che il map-server utilizzato è quello sviluppato da ninux :-)
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Hi all !
This wednesday (25th of april, 7:30pm), trolling session on mesh and
ad-hoc networking ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_ad-hoc_network
) at Fabelier. The event is hosted at BlackBox Hackerspace (NOT THE
There will be some people from the BattleMesh
<http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV5> community that are visiting paris
this day.
The idea, among others, is to discuss Serval Project
<http://www.servalproject.org/>, an mesh project based on android phones
and using B.A.T.M.A.N. <http://www.open-mesh.org/> protocol. Also the
idea of putting some mesh nodes everywhere in Paris, and how to start
with it could be discussed :) (I've already installed a mapserver
<http://nodeshot.fabelier.org/> for that purpose)
*What* : http://fabelier.org/meshwork-trolling-session-blackbox
*Where* : 17 rue de la Chapelle 75018 Paris
CODE portail A2546 au fond de l?impasse.
Métro Marx Dormoy
*When* : Wed. April 25th :: http://fabelier.org/events-agenda/
See you there,
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