[Ninux-Wireless] 3 minuti si, 5 minuti no
Niccolò avico
niccolo.avico a gmail.com
Mer 8 Feb 2012 21:57:27 CET
Il 08/02/2012 17:30, Martin Walter Mildner ha scritto:
> Aiuto, il nostro ninux internet funziona per 3 perfettamente, poi 5 minuti
> per niente, 8 minuti perfettamente, 3 minuti per niente
Hallo Martin, sure we applied a certain number of fix to the network in
the last days. Possibly you missed that specs because you were abroad.
I guess something is actually misconfigured in the routing between you
ADSL modem and the Ninux router, so that your regular Internet packets
get the wrong direction and viceversa.
Someone will contact you to help solve the problem and explain what the
differences are.
*Niccolò Avico*
skype: niccolo.avico
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/navico
Twitter: @niccolo_avico
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