[Ninux-Wireless] open wireless secondo l'EFF

Clauz clauz a ninux.org
Ven 2 Ago 2013 10:19:56 CEST


Alcuni estratti:

Here are some guiding principles for those who are looking to build or
grow solutions that promote wireless Internet access consistent with the
Open Wireless Movement:

    No captive portals.
    No authentication required for users.
    No configuration required for users.
    No cost barriers for users.
    Universal availability.
    Peaceful coexistence with existing open wireless networks.

In addition, we think open wireless networks of the future should
provide meaningful security for users. We also think that the future
ecosystem of open wireless networks needs to be sufficiently
decentralized so that no single entity stands between a very large set
of users and seamless access to the free Internet.


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