[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [IS4CWN] A survey of community wireless networks
nemesis a ninux.org
Lun 4 Feb 2013 17:48:06 CET
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [IS4CWN] A survey of community wireless networks
Data: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 11:10:31 +0100
Mittente: Bart Braem <bart.braem a gmail.com>
Rispondi-a: International Summit for Community Wireless Networks
Participant E-mail List <cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net>
A: cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net
Dear all,
I'm one of the researchers working on the CONFINE project, see
<http://confine-project.eu/>. I have met some of you at the CWN summit
in Barcelona, and look forward to the next summit.
I'm mailing you about a survey which we have created in the scope of the
CONFINE open data efforts. Little known, CONFINE does more than just
building a testbed, we also work on open data sets to allow more
research on community wireless networks. With the open data sets
everyone can participate in CONFINE, by simply downloading and using
data sets you find interesting.
The goal of our survey is to obtain an overview of the different
Community Networks out there, with more in-depth information. We ask
questions about technical, organisational and legal aspects. All
questions can be skipped, to allow for optimal flexibility and privacy
when answering.
Once we have compiled all data, we will prepare a paper on the results
and also publish this data as a CONFINE open data set.
We would like to request you to distribute this form to other community
networks you know and/or to answer by February 18, 2013. This is quite
soon, but it allows us to process all data and prepare a publication.
The survey is available at
Feel free to contact me with any questions and feedback!
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