[Ninux-Wireless] Battlemesh: hotel per una settimana a 200€

Nemesis nemesis a ninux.org
Lun 4 Feb 2013 18:24:20 CET

Fino al 16 Febbraio è disponibile un pacchetto per l'hotel a 200€; Io ho
tagliato la testa al toro ed ho prenotato.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: 	[Battlemesh] Deadline for Early Birds is Approaching
Data: 	Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:57:41 +0100
Mittente: 	Martin Hundebøll <martin a hundeboll.net>
Rispondi-a: 	Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh a ml.ninux.org>
A: 	Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh a ml.ninux.org>

Hi all,

Again, I would like to remind you all, that the deadline for early birds 
is February 16th, which means that there is now only two weeks left 
before the prices increases from 201€ to 255€...

So if you plan to attend the Wireless Battle of the Mesh on April 15-22, 
then there is really no reason to hesitate: register and pay online here:

Kind Regards
Martin Hundebøll
Frederiks Allé 99, 1.th
8000 Aarhus C

+45 61 65 54 61
martin a hundeboll.net
Battlemesh mailing list
Battlemesh a ml.ninux.org

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