[Ninux-Wireless] Battlemesh: hotel per una settimana a 200€

Pierluigi Checchi p.checchi a ieee.org
Mar 5 Feb 2013 23:27:28 CET

Chi va?
200 euro sono hotel ed iscrizione? Il volo quanto sta?
On Feb 4, 2013 6:26 PM, "Nemesis" <nemesis a ninux.org> wrote:

>  Fino al 16 Febbraio è disponibile un pacchetto per l'hotel a 200€; Io ho
> tagliato la testa al toro ed ho prenotato.
> -------- Messaggio originale --------  Oggetto: [Battlemesh] Deadline for
> Early Birds is Approaching  Data: Fri, 01 Feb 2013 20:57:41 +0100  Mittente:
> Martin Hundebøll <martin a hundeboll.net> <martin a hundeboll.net>  Rispondi-a:
> Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh a ml.ninux.org><battlemesh a ml.ninux.org>  A:
> Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh a ml.ninux.org><battlemesh a ml.ninux.org>
> Hi all,
> Again, I would like to remind you all, that the deadline for early birds
> is February 16th, which means that there is now only two weeks left
> before the prices increases from 201€ to 255€...
> So if you plan to attend the Wireless Battle of the Mesh on April 15-22,
> then there is really no reason to hesitate: register and pay online here:https://www.erap.aau.dk/event/index.php/bmv6
> --
> Kind Regards
> Martin Hundebøll
> Frederiks Allé 99, 1.th
> 8000 Aarhus C
> Denmark
> +45 61 65 54 61martin a hundeboll.net
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