[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: FSF condemns partnership between Mozilla and Adobe to support Digital Restrictions Management
Gabriele Jon Ficarelli
gabriele.jonf a gmail.com
Ven 16 Maggio 2014 10:30:16 CEST
Giro questa mail che è passata
in tor-talk
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Rajchenbach-Teller <dteller a mozilla.com>
Date: 15 May 2014 21:27
Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Firefox, Adobe, and DRM
To: tor-talk a lists.torproject.org
Hi Paul,
It's actually more complicated than this. Since pretty much everyone at
Mozilla hates DRM, we took the least evil option that did not involve
project suicide.
Adobe will implement a sandboxed proprietary black box plug-in for
decoding DRM-ed data. We will provide an API to make it work and the
ability for users to download the plug-in (very streamlined, most likely).
The DRM code will *not* be part of Firefox. While the internal API
hasn't been designed or implemented yet, I suspect that toggling a
preference will be sufficient to remove the streamlined mode for
downloading the plug-in. I am pretty sure most Firefox devs will toggle
off that preference – I am certainly planning to.
Alternatively, TorBrowser should be able to use IceWeasel, the entirely
free fork of Firefox. This fork doesn't offer h.264 and will certainly
similarly deactivate the DRM-related code.
P.S.: I haven't heard about money changing hands, although I wouldn't be
surprised if we had to pay Adobe for that. Whether you decide to believe
me is, of course, your choice.
On 15/05/14 20:08, paul a crable.us wrote:
> I just received a message from the Free Software Foundation
> advising me that Mozilla has climbed in bed with Adobe
> Corporation and will implement digital rights management,
> DRM, in FireFox. Until now they had not supported DRM.
> They claim to take this act to preserve market share, but it
> would not surprise me if money changed hands as an
> additional encouragement.
> TOR is not about DRM, but if TOR continues to use FireFox as
> the basis for its browser, then the nose of the DRM camel
> will appear under the wall of the tent. Some of us have
> assiduously avoided DRM, and TOR was one way to do so. Will
> it continue to be?
> The source code for FireFox is available free and so the DRM
> code could be striped out before making it the TOR browser.
> doing so, however, will require additional effort; is TOR
> prepared to take on this task?
> Paul
> --
> Paul A. Crable. Portland, Oregon. U.S.A.
David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
Performance Team, Mozilla
Gabriele Ficarelli - Jon
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