[Ninux-Wireless] configurazione nodogsplash

starlight a libero.it starlight a libero.it
Lun 7 Dic 2015 22:29:04 UTC

Salve ragazzi,sicuramente stò configurando un router con nodogsplash e relativa paginetta in html.
funziona regolarmente su tutta la lan/wan internet,il problema viene fuori quando non è presente il gateway internet esce la pagina impossibile contattare il server .

come si può risolvere il problema si chiama un indirizzo esterno e non è presente internet?

questo il config openwrt caos calmer 15.05
config instance
  # Set to 1 to enable nodogsplash
  option enabled 1

  # Use plain configuration file as well
  #option config '/etc/nodogsplash/nodogsplash.conf'
  option network 'WIRELESS'
  option gatewayname 'Ninux '
  option maxclients '250'
  option idletimeout '1200'

  # Your router may have several interfaces, and you
  # probably want to keep them private from the network/gatewayinterface.
  # If so, you should block the entire subnets on those interfaces, e.g.:
  # list authenticated_users 'block to'
  # list authenticated_users 'block to'

  # Typical ports you will probably want to open up.
   list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 22'
   list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 53'
   list authenticated_users 'allow udp port 53'
   list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 80'
   list authenticated_users 'allow tcp port 443'

  # For preauthenticated users to resolve IP addresses in their
  # initial request not using the router itself as a DNS server,
   list preauthenticated_users 'allow tcp port 53'
   list preauthenticated_users 'allow udp port 53'

  # Allow ports for SSH/Telnet/DNS/DHCP/HTTP/HTTPS
   list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 22'
   list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 23'
   list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 53'
   list users_to_router 'allow udp port 53'
   list users_to_router 'allow udp port 67'
   list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 80'
   list users_to_router 'allow tcp port 443'

  # See https://github.com/nodogsplash for a full list of available options.



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