[Ninux-Wireless] Starting a new node in Venice
Saverio Proto
zioproto a gmail.com
Gio 22 Dic 2016 09:15:06 CET
Hello Ruben,
I would say there is nothing like that VPN service at moment implemented in
Also, we usually make work to provide Internet access only in areas of
digital divide, this is not the case of the center of Venice.
I would say the best is to go with Gluon and the Freifunk VPN in Venice,
there is no problem for us. It is not like that you have to call the thing
Ninux at all cost because you are in Italy.
2016-12-22 2:34 GMT+01:00 Ruben <freifunk a r.z11.de>:
> since our goal is to provide internet access through the mesh network too
> there, it would be good to know if there is a community in italy, that
> provides that? That uses VPN exits to redirect the internet traffic?
> maybe we can join that community then. For example, maybe there is a
> community using gluon already?
> cheers,
> Ruben
> On Tue, 2016-12-20 at 17:14 +0100, Ruben wrote:
> >* Hi there,
> *> >* Me and a Friend would like to start a node in Venice to mesh with
> *>* another node in a pub next door to give the visitors free wifi.
> *>
> Hi Ruben,
> >* Is there an easy way to join an existing community, where we just
> *>* download a firmware, flash two routers (for example TP-Link WR842N v3)
> *>* and get lucky?
> *
> the short answer is "not really". Ninux is a community network in which
> every ninux island does things the way they want, we don't have one
> firmware/platform/software that we ask people to install, and we
> don't really have a stated goal of sharing an Internet connection.
> It's more a hacker community in which each group wants to build their
> own network (for the bad and the good this implies) and help each other
> to reach this goal.
> So feel free to ask for help, and feel free to use any solution you
> feel confident with, even gluon if that's your choice.
> ciao,
> leonardo.
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