[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [lime-users] Renamed Libre-Mesh to LibreMesh

Ilario iochesonome a gmail.com
Ven 9 Set 2016 11:45:23 CEST

Ciao gente!
Vi segnalo che il progetto Libre-Mesh è stato rinominato a LibreMesh.
Dunque per esempio ora il sito è http://libremesh.org/ e il Github è
E, anticipazione, stiamo rilasciando una release stabile, la 16.07 :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gui Iribarren <gui a altermundi.net>
Date: 2016-09-08 22:22 GMT+02:00
Subject: [lime-users] Renamed Libre-Mesh to LibreMesh
To: users a lists.libre-mesh.org, libre-mesh developement
<dev a lists.libre-mesh.org>

Hello people,
back in sep/2014, Ilario suggested to register libremesh.org:

we did, and after a looong transition, we're finally finishing all the
renamings, right on time before the new release (so we're taking the
opportunity to launch 16.07 with the new name)

back in march, we took the decision to migrate everything, then at the
last meeting consensus was *against* migration (among concerns, was
breaking github urls, and such); but recently found out about github
retrocompatibility features, and finally reached consensus approving the


* IRC: channel #libre-mesh is deprecated, join #libremesh from now on

* GitHub repos: all the legacy urls continue to work (but deprecated)
    git clone https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages.git
    still works, but you should clone from now on:
    git clone https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages.git

  so all the existing lime-builds out there will continue to work,
    pointing to the legacy URLs, pulling changes without problem

  but if you're reading this, and have already existing repos in your
  computers, please change remote's URLs, like so:

  The only thing that will not work anymore is the old's organization
  "homepage" in github, i.e. the list of repos
  doesn't work anymore. use https://github.com/libremesh/ instead.
  This caveat is mentioned in

* Repo contents: everything was renamed in 1 commit to each repo branch:

* Chef: All the mentions about Libre-Mesh were replaced to LibreMesh
    back in march/april already.

* Mailing lists: they'll be transparently renamed to
    lime-*@lists.libremesh.org (pipermail archives, subscribers, etc)
    and the @lists.libre-mesh.org will be deprecated (mail sent to the
    deprecated address will be held, and senders notified the new addr)
    this will also involve moving to a better maintained mailman server

This last step (mailing lists) is not done yet, to allow people to get
this notice first, and update their email filters / etc. Please do so,
since this email is the last one you'll get from *@lists.libre-mesh.org.
You'll soon get a "Welcome" message from lime-*@lists.libremesh.org

cheers! and see you on the other side of the mirror, with a freshly
cooked release.
users mailing list
users a lists.libre-mesh.org

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