[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: Google Season of Docs projects for OpenWrt
Ilario Gelmetti
iochesonome a gmail.com
Mar 9 Giu 2020 14:24:59 CEST
Nel caso qualcuno fosse interessato: Google (per migliorare l'immagine
aziendale) finanzia delle "borse di studio" per scrivere documentazione
di vari progetti, tra cui pure OpenWrt, più dettagli nelle email qui sotto:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Battlemesh] Fwd: Google Season of Docs projects for OpenWrt
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 14:59:15 +0200
From: Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org>
Reply-To: battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
To: battlemesh at ml.ninux.org
If you have already been annoyed by the poor documentaton of OpenWrt,
there is an opportunity to improve it and get paid doing this.
More information below (and before somebody explains, I know, Google is
----- Forwarded message from Baptiste Jonglez
<baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org> -----
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 12:14:08 +0200
From: Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org>
To: openwrt-devel at lists.openwrt.org
Subject: Google Season of Docs projects for OpenWrt
As discussed previously, OpenWrt has applied and been accepted for the
Season of Docs. We have three mentors (me, Jow, Thomas Hühn), while Hauke
and Paul are "project administrators".
We started proposing projects here:
Feel free to discuss the proposed projects here, especially if you plan to
apply as a technical writer. The goal is to clarify the projects if
needed, and make sure that we provide a good match between projects and
technical writer applications.
The deadline for applying as a technical writer is July 9, see
More information about being a technical writer (requirements, stipend
amount, etc) is here:
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