[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: LibreMesh Release Candidate and call for testing

gigi S 61615m1 a gmail.com
Gio 15 Ott 2020 10:12:41 CEST

Ciao Ilario,

Ho io piacere ed interesse a testare e smanettare. Ti chiedo scusa se non
ti ho ancora risposto, è solo che sono incasitao a lavoro studio.

Nel frattempo volevo solo chiederti una cosa: Io questa estate ho comprato
due apparati dell tp-link e flashati con openwrt. L'unica cosa che non
funzionava era che sul 5GHz non supportava tutte le frequenze.


Che ne dici se compro due di questi? conosci qualche criticità?

Più tardi mi leggo meglio la tua mail, e mi iscrivo ai canali
d'informazione di libremesh.

Ciao e grazie

Il sab 26 set 2020, 13:44 Ilario Gelmetti <iochesonome a gmail.com> ha

> Ri-invio una mia mail: in novembre dovrebbe uscire una nuova versione di
> LibreMesh (dopo 3 anni dall'ultima!!) e c'è bisogno di gente che provi
> se funziona tutto più o meno bene.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: **Release Candidate** and call for testing
> Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2020 12:55:45 +0200
> From: Ilario Gelmetti <iochesonome a gmail.com>
> To: libremesh users <lime-users a lists.libremesh.org>
> Great news:
> Even if the LibreMesh development never stopped, it was since the 17.06
> "Dayboot Rely" release that we didn't have an _official_ release.
> The goal is to have the **final release at the beginning of November**.
> This means that the release candidate needs testing, bug fixing and
> loads of community love before the end of October, so that we can have
> an amazing release that can actually ease the creation of community
> networks everywhere :)
> We can coordinate the efforts on this mailing list and on the
> IRC/Element chatroom (Element is the new name of Riot chat):
> https://libremesh.org/communication.html
> Seems that the next release will be (at least initially) source-only,
> which means that you will have to compile it yourself on top of OpenWrt
> 18.06.8 or 19.07.4. Right now there's no way to download the
> pre-compiled binary, but I hope this will be available at some point.
> In order to compile the release candidate follow the instructions from
> the Development page:
> https://libremesh.org/development.html
> As you can see in the compiling instructions, both OpenWrt 18.06.8 or
> 19.07.4 can be used as a base, but I think we should have more testing
> on the newest 19.07.4 (until now the testing has been focussed mostly on
> 18.06.8).
> There's no need to select the release candidate branch for the
> compilation, seems that the master branch will be used also for the
> testing and the relevant commits will be cherry-picked in November (SAn,
> please correct if I'm wrong).
> You can see the known issues on the tickets list:
> https://github.com/libremesh/lime-packages/issues
> And if you want to take care of an issue (thanks!!!), please have a look
> at these lists where you can find some indication of the priority:
> https://github.com/orgs/libremesh/projects/2
> A last thing:
> do we need a codename for the release or "20.09" is enough?
> Propose your favourite name, starting with the "E" letter if possible,
> on the chatroom and then we'll organise a poll :)
> Thanks!!!
> Ilario
> --
> Ilario
> iochesonome a gmail.com
> ilario a sindominio.net
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