[Battlemesh] Help needed presenting our mesh based app @ Battlemesh

Mitar mitar at tnode.com
Sun Feb 27 06:07:26 UTC 2011


Has anybody responded to that? It seems really a great idea.

Mario, we were talking once that Google could provide some financial
support for traveling before the GSoC. As on this battlemesh we will
also have some GSoC topics and it would be very interesting to have
those guys aboard, would it be possible to arrange something for them?


> Hi everyone
> A couple of us (jatin golani (jeetu), erle pereira) have been working
> on an open source (gpl) mesh networking based application that allows
> software and computing to be shared from devices around you and we
> could truly use your help/feedback/attention.
> Ideally we would love to come to spain for battlemesh, but
> unfortunately, finances do not permit either of us to travel right
> now. (we would be coming from India, Australia respectively)
> To explain the idea a little. eBrainPool (www.ebrain.in) uses mesh
> networking to pool in the software and computing resources of all
> devices around you. It enables the user to discover and run software
> from someone in the resource pool and simply use it on your own netbook, phone
> or any other device.
> This means that she doesn't need the software installed on her device
> to use it - simply seek others with the software and use it on your
> device while it runs direct on their computer. The broad goals of
> eBrainPool are to provide software, computing and operating
> environment as a shared resource.
> Right now the code utilizes OLSR (thank you everyone at olsrd 
> [http://erlepereira.com/ox6/v=MkGXLso/themes/light_breeze/img/smilies/smile.gif]
>  ) as
> the mesh daemon, but amongst other things we're looking to introduce a
> plugin concept to allow other mesh protocols to be used as well.
> We already have concept code working, released as a developer preview
> (GPL) and are working towards an updated release. The videos and
> screenshots up on our site show this working and where we're currently
> at.
> Honestly we are new to the mesh networking concept and people here
> probably know a lot more about this than we do 
> [http://erlepereira.com/ox6/v=MkGXLso/themes/light_breeze/img/smilies/smile.gif]
>  We would like to
> test this out in a real world scenario and battlemesh seems the
> perfect place to try this out. We're looking forward to the idea and code
> being ripped apart yielding some good inputs from you all 
> [http://erlepereira.com/ox6/v=MkGXLso/themes/light_breeze/img/smilies/smile.gif]
> we would truly appreciate any help with regards:
> 1) Would anyone (please) present this idea there on our behalf? ( will
> provide whatever help, inputs, paper, presentation etc..We consider
> even pulling aside your buds and speaking about it as presenting 
> [http://erlepereira.com/ox6/v=MkGXLso/themes/light_breeze/img/smilies/smile.gif]
>  )
> 2) ideally also, some people attending might be interested in trying this out
> and giving us more feedback. Willing to provide any and whatever help
> here too. Its still new and buggy code.
> 3) anything else really, which really includes telling us what is not quite
> right, or the wrong way of doing things.
> Until now its really been an idea that started with winning the
> developer category award at UVAC 2006 and we have been playing it with since
> then.
> This has resulted in a proof of concept code. We're looking to build forward
> with like minded people, and this just seems the perfect place.
> Would be awesome to meet you guys and wish we could come, but finances
> just do not permit it at the current time. Would sincerely appreciate
> any help you can provide. Please hit the site and ping us for any more
> info. we can provide.
> thanks for your time
> Erle Pereira
> www.ebrain.in | Introducing "Beehive" computing
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