[Battlemesh] Could Facebook's OpenCellular be used in open mesh networks?

David Lang david at lang.hm
Sun Jul 10 21:01:44 UTC 2016

On Sun, 10 Jul 2016, fboehm wrote:

> That doesn't mean it's not going to be successful. It might finally be the 
> one SDR project that is successful. Due to the sole fact that a popular and 
> financially powerful company like Facebook is doing it.
> Success in this respect means that SDR finally hits the market how it was 
> predicted about 10 years ago. Where basically all wireless communication is 
> based on SDR. Very much like it happened decades ago with generic CPU 
> architectures plus customized software on top of it.
> I'm looking forward to see this happening because it can boost the whole 
> wireless industry. Although governmental regulations in this field is 
> providing a big problem and preventing innovation. As an example we just saw 
> the FCC lock-down happening.
> I think SDR can be incredibly successful if spectrum and spectrum-sharing is 
> managed completely different from a regulatory perspective. Try to ask the 
> incumbent operators if they like the idea of sharing spectrum :)

Actually, SDRs are showing up in many places, just not being advertised as such. 
One problem with the idea of a generic SDR is that you really do need good RF 
filters tuned to the frequencies you are operating in to get good performance in 
areas where there are lots of other radios. So even where a SDR is used, you may 
not realize it because the RF filters limit it's use.

David Lang

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