[Battlemesh] military mesh

panos nethood panos at nethood.org
Wed Jul 24 12:39:32 CEST 2019

Hi all,

On 24.07.19 12:21, Benjamin Henrion wrote:
> Hi,
> Just reading the slides of last WBM in Paris (10 years anniversary
> after the first edition at /tmp./lab!), the last slide here about
> "military mesh" is fantastic:
> https://www.battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=antoniadis_battlemesh_paris-2.pdf

This was somehow unintended (I had those slides as "back-up" in case the
discussion over this topic was more "open", but didn't use them as you
will be able to see in the video when it is made available).

There is also an important typo on the take away slide. I wanted to say
that we should NOT demonize expertise, but localize it. Meaning, that we
shouldn't aim to do everything automatic and effortless like blockchain
solutions promise but invest on expertise that is local and thus promote
the local economy and its actors. Guifi.net is a very good example on
how to do this.

In any case, I have uploaded a version of the slides without the typo
and without the back-up slides, and I would appreciate it if it was
updated because I don't want to receive more threats :-)

(After all this experience I decided to stay away from EU funding
programmes, for some time at least, and in general change my life.
Perhaps I will end up in a remote island and will invite you one day to
set-up a mesh network :-))



> Remembers me the non-MIL eGPL.info:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20090305132827/http://www.egpl.info/egpl-2.0.txt
> "Some military equipment are naturally using Open Source, for some weapon
> systems on ships and airplanes. Some missile may actually be running Linux.
> Some open source database may be used to track population for ethnic
> cleansing. Also, on a less dramatic but even more real note, some of the
> people using Open Source are actually working to make it impossible to develop
> through DRM, software patents, lobbying or Internet censorship.
> Using Free, Libre and Open Source Software for some socially negative
> activities can be seen as an unfair use of a tool for openness and justice.
> The social cost of these negative activities is not covered by the people
> committing such negative actions. Worse, Open Source software used for such
> negative goals is indeed helping such negative projects, often against the own
> will of the project developers, creators, maintainers and of the whole
> community. The EGPL can be seen as a way to redistribute the social and human
> cost of negative actions back to the original perpetrators of such negative
> actions."
> And the moving minefield presentation in Vic!
> Best,

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