[Battlemesh] WBMv13 news - please vote on your preferred date!

Filipe Borges Teixeira filipebteixeira at gmail.com
Sat Feb 1 01:32:29 CET 2020


We have great news about the next edition of WBMv13!

The mentor team has been working over the past months with three candidates
for this years' edition:
- Calafou (close to Barcelona) [1], proposed by guifipedro
- Bologna [2], proposed by Ingifugo
- Weimar [3], recently proposed by ulf

After evaluating all the pros and cons of each proposal, we have concluded
that the strongest option is Calafou [4] in terms of space, local team, and
timeframe. It is the most likely location for WBMv13 in 2020.

We need your help in finding the best date for Battlemesh to happen. Please
vote on your preferred date by the end of Feb 7th on

Your help is really appreciated!

We are planning an official recon mission in February (the announcement
will be done in the mailing list) to fine-tune all the details and have a
great event. We are also working closely with OpenWrt team in order to
organize an OpenWrt developer meeting at the Battlemesh this year, as
proposed last year at the Battlemesh community meeting. We believe it is a
great opportunity to join both communities!

A final word of thanks to all three location proponents for all your effort
and collaboration across this process, this is really a community effort
that should be properly valued!

Stay tuned!

Best Regards,
WBMv13 mentor team

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcelona
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bologna
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weimar
[4] (because in 2020-1-25 13:00 the web was down)
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