[Battlemesh] Battlemesh V12 videos are online!

Benjamin Henrion zoobab at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 09:08:31 CET 2020

On Saturday, January 25, 2020, Baptiste Jonglez <baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org>

> Hi,
> After several months of anticipation, the videos from Battlemesh v12 are
> finally online!
>   https://media.freifunk.net/c/bmv12

Thanks again!

Seeking ar a precise time in the video does not work for me, do you have
the same problem?


PS: should there be a copy on downloads.battlemesh.org?

>   https://www.battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV12#Talk_Schedule_and_Workshops
> Many thanks to Netfreaks for making these awesome videos, to all the
> presenters for sharing with the community, and to Freifunk for taking the
> time and resources to host the videos!
> Baptiste
> PS: I was starting to be afraid that the videos would be ready *after*
> Battlemesh v13, but all is well, they were not *that* late :)

Benjamin Henrion (zoobab)
Email: zoobab at gmail.com
Mobile: +32-484-566109
Web: http://www.zoobab.com
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