[Battlemesh] teleconferencing systems

Pedro pedro at cas.cat
Fri Mar 13 21:40:49 CET 2020

No, it uses webrtc, but there is more than the P2P topology for the
media. It uses the SFU way [1] [2].

OK, I was in lessons that worked that way (called webinar, right?) but
with propietary software (one used zoom.us, gitlab; the other,
gotomeeting.com). The workflow was: one guy talking with a screen
sharing and the students could chat (they could use voice, but the mess
started: trust 40 microphones appropiately configured). Chat was preferred.

Aha, that's interesting. Jitsi is not intended to be used that way by
default. And then remembered peerstreamer [3] which is done by some
people in this mailing list, right?

Then found this, so jitsi guys are working on it too [4]

[1] Selective Forwarding Unit (SFU) designed to run thousands of video
streams from a single server — and it’s fully open source and WebRTC
compatible. https://jitsi.org/jitsi-videobridge/
[2] old but still interesting
[3] http://peerstreamer.org/
[4] https://community.jitsi.org/t/webinar-solution-for-jitsi/16449/2

On 3/13/20 9:26 PM, Mitar wrote:
> Hi!
>> By the way, can you REALLY manage a meeting with 40+ participants that
>> way? Can you explain how does work that kind of meetings? Because if
>> there are 50 participants but only 4-5 of them speak. Then you can have
>> that 4-5 jitsi meeting and a streaming for the rest (with a chat channel
>> for extra communication?) or maybe only inviting the people that is
>> willing to say something. Or maybe calling some of them to say something
>> (like the radio did in the past)
> I am thinking more for a lecture setting, where most of the time one
> person is speaking, but it is still nice if students can ask questions
> by speaking. Having 40 people in such setting is not too hard to
> imagine. I think the nice side of teleconferencing systems vs. streaming
> is that it is pretty easy to create a "virtual room", share the link and
> others just join, and then depends on the content of the lecture you
> have more one sided lecturing or more discussion, and it is easy to
> transition.
> Does jitsi use Web-RTC? I think this is why it does not scale so well
> and have high latencies, P2P without central big-money central servers
> with special routing.
> Mitar

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