[Battlemesh] teleconferencing systems
Jan Lühr
freifunk at yanosz.net
Wed Mar 25 19:25:20 CET 2020
Am 13/03/2020 um 21.40 schrieb yanosz:
> Heiho,
> Am 13/03/2020 um 21.26 schrieb Mitar:
>> Hi!
>>> By the way, can you REALLY manage a meeting with 40+ participants that
>>> way? Can you explain how does work that kind of meetings? Because if
>>> there are 50 participants but only 4-5 of them speak. Then you can have
>>> that 4-5 jitsi meeting and a streaming for the rest (with a chat channel
>>> for extra communication?) or maybe only inviting the people that is
>>> willing to say something. Or maybe calling some of them to say something
>>> (like the radio did in the past)
>> I am thinking more for a lecture setting, where most of the time one
>> person is speaking, but it is still nice if students can ask questions
>> by speaking.
> About > 10 years ago I was using https://bigbluebutton.org/ - dunno if
> it's works nowadays.
Have a try - a comrade is running an instance.
You can also at #cccc / freenode for help.
Greetz, yanosz
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bekämpft, lässt sich seit gut einer Woche an der griechisch-türkischen
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Die Würde des Menschen ist nämlich sehr wohl antastbar, jedenfalls dann,
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Und seiner Rechte auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit
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Ulrich Schulte, Leiter Paramentsbüro taz, 6.3.2020
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