[Battlemesh] teleconferencing systems

James Stevens james at spc.org
Wed Mar 25 21:11:42 CET 2020

Dear all,

I have been lurking for so long ! Hope you are all well..

Very interested in this thread as we face isolation but very active 
communities in need of something other than the zoom Jitsi skype hype.

For small scale video chat I use https://chatb.org which is written by 
friend in Berlin Jan Gerber. It's fully peer to peer so each peer has to 
be able to deliver their own video image and sound. It's not what you 
are all looking for but I mention it as there is no login and it's great 
for 3 or 4 people. He is keen to develop it further - it's open source 
of course. https://r-w-x.org/hostb.git

Going through the list of suggestions, has anyone spent any time with 
https://openmeetings.apache.org/ and is it a candidate you are 
considering? Looks good but have yet to try it.

All round the world people are looking again at community networks with 
fresh eyes and appetite

just saying!



On 25/03/2020 20:00, Lyudmila Vaseva wrote:
> We now also use BigBlueButton at work, after our jitsi instance broke
> with 15 ppl conference..
> I personally find jitsi nicer and more intuitive usability-wise, but
> bbb proved more stable and robust with more people participating.
> It also gives the option to only listen in.
> As for the question how do you conduct a big remote meeting in a
> constructive way: it's not easy, but doable with a bit of discipline.
> You need an agenda, a facilitator, and for example the shared notes
> (like an etherpad) provided by bbb where people who want to say
> something write their names down and are then called to speak by the
> facilitator. (And it helps when everyone not speaking has muted their
> mic).
> I hope that was useful for someone xD
> Cheers
> Lusy
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James Stevens +447973318881 http://spc.org

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