[Ninux-Wireless] [blog] Application NodeShotMobile Android finished!
tuscolomesh a gmail.com
Dom 19 Ago 2012 18:28:26 CEST
Nuovo post sul blog (Ninux.org Wireless Community):
'Application NodeShotMobile Android finished!' di Longinus
We have finally reached the ultimate goal of our project, we brought the news on
our application, implementing a backend on a server and allowing forwarding news
to all phones that have the application.
There are some known bugs, such as the failure or wrong management of the GPS,
but we will work as quickly as possible to accommodate even this shortage. Now
it's time to send the final evaluation to Google!
It's great being inside Ninux and thank you for the opportunity you gave me!
Here the final repository:
(messaggio generato automaticamente)
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