[Ninux-Wireless] R: R: PoE passthrough per alimentare n-apparati con cavo singolo
Andrea Pescetelli
andrea.pescetelli a gmail.com
Mer 21 Nov 2012 10:21:03 CET
Condivido con voi cosa mi sono imbattuto un po di tempo fa non installando
alimentatori POE originali ubiquiti:
Ecco il ticket di domanda:
Dear Ubiquiti team, I'm a specialist in wireless tecnology that work in
particular way with Ubiquiti hardware.
For a short time in this part Ubiquiti provides with the carrier class
apparatus like PowerbridgeM5-RocketM5 an innovative POE power supply. The
Innovation was to add a reset button on power supply to avoid going up
physically on the roof / tower / pole in case of reset of the equipment and
be forced to press the reset button on the device itself.
Unfortunately this innovation has never worked well, in fact our team was
very upset by this because this new POE device does not work in 100 percent
of cases of use.
With the release of firmware 5.5 and 5.5.2 the reset function seems to work
well only with device firmware booted but does not work if you want to
bring the device in 'listening tftp mode' directly from a cold start.
The new intelligent power supply sends a pulse of varying voltage on the
data interface making it clear to the logic that the reset button has been
pressed and the device reverts to the factory default mode automatically.
Here's the problem:
In cases where they are not used shield cables and connectors, original
Ubiquiti power supplies , POE not filtered, or in the presence of a bad
power supply, the network can present a surge voltage that unwanted
simulate the pressing of the reset button and the unit returns to factory
Have any idea?
Is not a good solution to disable the reset button by web gui.
Best Regards
Andrea Pescetelli
Ecco la risposta secca di ubiquiti:
You have failed to install the radios according to the manufacturer
recommendations. That is not a good solution.
Reinstall according to manufacturer recommendations for long term joy.
Also, see this link for additional help:
for an article titled,
*Alternate Flashing LED's When Powering Up Your Radio*. It will provide you
with additional insight.
I hope this is helpful in some way.
Best wishes,
Avete capito di che cosa stiamo parlando?
Se si rompe o si resetta da solo qualcosa rimanete fermi e dovete
ricominciare tutto da capo con il rischio che la garanzia sulle macchine
venga pure invalidata.
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