[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [DC3] Survey on Community Networks for the EC

kiki kikigazze a autoproduzioni.net
Lun 16 Set 2019 10:07:37 CEST


l'ho letto ora.. ma quali isole ninux hanno aderito a questa cosa?

tanto per sapere..

e per sapere come la mettiamo giù verso l'unione europea..

il confronto dialettico tra delle realtà nate dal basso ed una
coalizione di stati con alle spalle anche aziende, 

non è esattamente immediato.

 Voi che garanzie x la collaborazione ci vedete?

Non è una mail polemica.. he? vorrei solo capire che vantaggi ci
vediamo.. e se ci sono,

magari dire pure noi che esistiamo come rete valsamoggia che pratica
autonomia alimentare e tecnologica.

però per spiegarlo alle altre e vedere se lo vogliamo fare, dovrei
almeno capire..

e se chi segue questo percorso mi scrive 4 righe in italiano.. :)
facciamo prima e serve a tutti.

ciao Cris

On 03/09/19 20:01, Clauz wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Leandro Navarro <leandro a pangea.org>
> Sent: September 3, 2019 6:12:38 PM GMT+02:00
> To: 'Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity ' <dc3 a listas.altermundi.net>
> Subject: [DC3] Survey on Community Networks for the EC
> Hi, this is a message for community networks in the area of influence of
> the European Commission. For others, sorry for the spam or you may want
> to take a look at the survey as a sample of what a government may want
> to know about community networks.
> I got this message from a representative of the Broadband Competence
> Offices Network (BCO Network) of the European Commission
> (https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/broadband-competence-offices).
> They want to explore ways to support community networks in Europe (among
> other models), as the aims to turn Europe into a Gigabit Society by 2025
> are far from being achieved at least in rural areas.
> They have a survey for Community Networks Managers (associations,
> managers, communities,…) to gather inputs from their experience and
> opinions to find the way the European Commission could include their
> vision in the new programming period and help BCOs to understand in a
> better way Community Networks initiatives, their needs and how to help
> them (and not distort or interfere).
> If you’re interested it would be great to contribute your views (you or
> anyone else in your CN) so your community may be heard:
> https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/WG_Questionnaire_CommunityNetwork
> Cheers, Leandro.
> _______________________________________________
> DC3 mailing list
> DC3 a listas.altermundi.net
> https://listas.altermundi.net/mailman/listinfo/dc3

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