[Battlemesh] Testbed Status

Federico Capoano f.capoano at openwisp.io
Mon Apr 17 17:01:29 CEST 2023

Hi there,

I wanted to share that thanks to the work I am doing with Pedro, with the
help of Ilario and Alicia we have 11 devices flashed with an openwrt
22.03.4 based firmware equipped with different routing daemons (babel,
batman-adv, bmx7 olsrd1 and 2, open80211s) with a mesh management interface
using the 802.11s protocol and bridged.

My next step is to prepare the configurations for each routing daemon
(copying the configs stored in the previous battlemesh editions) and then
find the best way to turn them on and off via OpenWISP without crashing the

The testbed is equipped with TP-Link WDR4300 (WiFi 4).

Any organization out there interested in sponsoring and helping us out for
the next edition to have WiFI 6 capable devices? It may be interesting to
try these tests on newer hardware with higher capabilities.

I want to remind you we have a battlemesh testbed chat on gitter

Best regards
Federico Capoano
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